Sunday, June 21, 2009

Little Princess - Lee Ern Tong

Little Princess – Lee Ern Tong
Scanning shows baby should be out by 2nd week of April 2009. However, on 2nd week baby was not ready to see the world yet. Later I agreed to be induced on 16 April 2009. Early in the morning, I started to experience labour pains and true enough as though she can sense it, Ern Tong came out on 16 April 2009 afternoon. Phew.. I did not have to go thru induction after all. The labour was a fast one but not without the pain. Ern Tong was the only baby to be delivered by Dr Ong that day and he paid more attention to her compared to the 2 boys. All 3 babies are delivered by him.
Ern Tong weighs 3.5kg, not too bad for a baby girl but smaller in size than Ern Ye who weighed 3.75kg ; bigger than Sean at 3.3kg. Ultimately most important is that all are healthy. She gave a loud yell at the hospital not long after delivered as though she was announcing to everyone that she is out. The 1 month confinement was long and boring, weather was hot and humid most time. Since we could not cope, we are sending her to a day and nite babysitter.

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