Saturday, May 11, 2013

Buddha Day on 12 May 2013 at Stadium MBPJ, Kelana Jaya

When i was informed that there would be Buddha Day on 12 May , the plan was to go as public with sis as the boys would have badminton training that day.  And the outcome turned out that i was given an opportunity to join the other volunteers to participate in the grand ceremony.  This would be another first for me. I also manage to rope Ye to join me.  Another first for him.  Kwee Yap and the other 2 kids would come to witness us and bath buddha later.  Sister will come with her kids and mum.

After watching last year video, i felt much blessed to join this year blessed event.  Would join the rest to pray for peace for the world and Malaysia.  Personally, i felt this is most timely as there are so much news reported during and after elections which troubled a lot people.

 As Master said " There is no one  i could not forgive, trust and love"....  Great Love would transcend all hatred and hostility.  Gan en.

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